Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Issue Of Poverty Alleviation - 2282 Words

Introduction Poverty refers to the state of having little or no money, goods, or means of supporting oneself. It may be described the inability to secure basic needs. Rural researchers define poverty by adding fine distinctions that are exclusive to how poverty exists and experienced in rural and small town communities. The issue of poverty alleviation has long been a primary subject of developmental debate. However, to date, there is still no technical definition that gives a clear understanding of the meaning of poverty. Poverty in itself is a debatable occurrence; this is because the circumstances leading to poverty differs from one individual to individual. Impoverished individuals have their own understanding and interpretation of their social reality. Ark-Miss-Tenn (Mid-South) are poverty stricken and the unemployment rate is epidemically high. Consequently, many available jobs cannot be filled due to lack of skilled employees. Statement of the Problem With the growing number of Americans being economically disadvantage, the Mid-South is dealing with the significant impact of poverty. Poverty rates in southern rural areas have been and continue to be consistently high despite polices and national efforts to combat the growing problematic social occurrence. While poverty exists in both urban and rural areas, the disposition of individuals living in poverty in these two places is distinctly different. Research has advanced a variety of importantShow MoreRelatedPoverty Alleviation Related Policy And Actions1545 Words   |  7 PagesPoverty Alleviation Related Policy and Actions in Guangdong Since 2009, Guangdong province has developed a unique pattern in poverty alleviation and development called â€Å"Double To†, that is, â€Å"Plan to Every Household, Responsibility to People†. â€Å"Plan to Every Household† includes the identification of targets for poverty alleviation programme. 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